Selasa, 30 Januari 2018

Khasiat 7 Effective Habits Dan Awaken The Giant Within

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

7 Effective Habits...

1. Proactive
2.Mission and vision/matlamat
3.First thing first
4.Win-win situation
5.Understand others
6. Synergy
7.Sharpen all/tajam gergaji

5 Areas of intervention in making decision...

1. Core Beliefs and Unconscious Rules.
2. Life Values.
3. References- experiences.
4.Habitual Questions.
5.Emotional States.

~The end of Awaken The Giant Within by Anthony Robbins~

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Compelling Future...

Aladdin-you posses a lamp that is not limited to 3 wishes.

"We are what and where we are because we have first imagine it."

-setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into visible-the foundation for all success in life.
-All goals setting must be immediately followed by both development of a plan, massive and consistent action towards its fulfillment.
-range: emotionally,physically,spiritually, financially and others...

The 10 emotions of Power...

Discomfort===>love and warmth
Fear===>appreciation and gratitude
Anger===>excitement and passion

The Power of Life Metaphors...

Whenever we explain or communicate a concept by likening it to something else, we are using metaphor-or if someone tells me that they just can't make progress, that they keep hitting a wall, I will tell them to stop hitting it and just drill a hole through it. Or climb over it, or tunnel under it, or walk over, open the door and go through it.

What would be a better metaphor?
-a whole set of rules, ideas, and preconceived notions accompany any metaphor you adopt.

-Life has its season.
Try the following...
1. What is life?
2.Metaphors link to relationship or marriage.
-empowering or disempowering.
-adopt a new metaphor.
3.Pick another area of your life that impact you most.
4.Create new, more empowering metaphors.
5.Finally, decide that you are going to live with these new, empowering metaphors for the next 30 days.

-Take control of your metaphors now and create a new world of yourself: a word of possibility, richness, wonder, and joy.

Vocabulary of Ultimate Success...

-it is possible that, by adopting someone else habitual vocab, you began to adopt their emotional pattern as well.

-if an assemblage of words you are using is creating states that disempower you, get rid of those words and replace them with those that empower you! It is because if you don't have a way of representing something(vocab), you can't experience it!

conversation-->spirited debate
frustrated-->smidge cranky
depressed-->a little bit down/getting better

-if you're in a romantic relationship and tell your partner, "I'm leaving" You create the very real possibility that the relationship's about to an end. if however, you were to say, "I'm incredibly frustrated," or "I'm angry," you have a much better chance at resolution.


-and then do the Neuro-Association Conditioning yourself. Does this mean that I can never feel angry? Of course not, anger can be very useful emotion at times. We just don't want our most negative emotion to be our tool of resort.

all right-->superb

-if you're in a profession work with people, it's imperative that you understand the power of words to impact those around you!

Vocabulary in action...

Words....They've been used to make us laugh and cry. They can wound or heal. Throughout human history our greatest leaders and thinkers have used the power of words to transform our emotions, to enlist us in their causes and to shape the course of destiny.

I hate things --> I prefer something else

Simply by changing your habitual vocab the words you consistently use to describe the emotions of your life-you can instantaneously change how you think, feel and how you live.


Problem-Solving Questions...

1.What is great about this problem?
2.What is not perfect yet?
3.What am I willing to do to make it the way I want it?
4.What am I willing to no longer do to make it the way I want it?
5.How can I enjoy the process while I do what is necessary to make it the way I want it?

What am I happy/excited/proud/gratefulabout in my life now?
What have I given today?
What can I use today as an investment in my future?

Better Questions...

Successful people asked better question, and as a result, they got better answers. They got answers that empowered them to know exactly what to do in any situation to produce the results they desired.

"Some men see things as they are, and say, "Why?"
I dream of things that never were and say "Why not?"

-How could get a date with him/her?
-How did I so lucky to have you in my life?
-How will we survive if this city goes under?
-How can I get rich while everyone else is afraid?
-How can we improve this?
-How I can learn from this problem so that this never happen again?

You and I have the same power at our disposal every moment of the day. At any moment, the questions that we ask ourselves can shape our perception of what we are, what we are capable of and what we are willing to do to achieve our dreams.

Focus-The power of Questions...

"Ask and you will receive. Seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you"

The most powerful way to control focus is through the use of questions. For whatever you ask, your brain provides an answer. if you ask, "How can I turn this around?" you will get more empowering answer.168

Questions Are The Answer
"He who asks questions cannot avoid the answer."
-Why is this happening to me? -bad question
-Why I'm the unlucky one? -bad question
-How can we escape this horrible place? -good question
-How can I use this to escape? -good question

I began to realize that thinking is nothing but the process of asking and answering questions. So, if we want to change the quality of our lives, we should change our habitual questions. These questions direct our focus, and therefore how we think and how we feel.

Focus and perception..

Focus is not true reality,because it is one view, it's only perception of the way things really are. Think of that view-the power of our focus-as being a camera lens. the camera lens only show the picture and angle of what you're focused on.

Because of that, photographs you take can easily distort reality, presenting only a small portion of the big picture. Suppose you went to a party with your camera, you sat in once corner, focused on a group of people who were arguing. How would the party be represented? it would be a picture as an unpleasant, frustrating party where no one had a good time and everyone was fighting.

And it is important for us to remember that how we represent things in our mind will determine how we fell. But how you were to focus your camera on another end of the room where people laughing and telling jokes and having a great time? It would be shown to have been the best party of all, with everyone getting along famously!

-Remember, whatever we focus on will determine how we fell. maybe we should not jump to conclusions, we should choose what to focus on very carefully. So, focus on where you want to go, not on what you fear.

The state of mind...

The difference between acting badly or brilliantly is not based on your ability but the state of your mind and/or body in any given moment.

There are 2 primary ways to change your emotional state:
1.Changing the way you use your physical body.
2.Changing your focus.

The key to success then is to create patterns of movement that create confidence, a sense of strength flexibility, a sense of personal power and fun. Make feeling good your expectation. You don't have to have a reason to feel good- you are alive, you can feel good for no reason at all.

Neuro-Associative Conditioning...

1.Decide what you want and what is preventing you from having it now.
2.Get leverage-associate massive pain to not changing now and massive pleasure of changing Now!
-but change is usually not a question of capability, it's almost question of motivation. if someone put a gun to our heads and said, "You had better get out of that depressed state and start feeling happy now, i bet any one of us could find a way to change our emotional state for the moment under these circumstances because of the massive intense that you feel.

3.Interrupt the limiting pattern-different way cause different result.
-insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different result.
-one of the best way to interrupt someone's pattern is to do things they don't expect, things that radically different from what they have experiences before.

Next time you start to feel depressed,jump up, look at the sky, and yell in your most idiotic tone of voice, "Y-A-H-O-O" My feet don't stink today! a stupid silly move like that will definitely shift your attention, change your state, and it will definitely change the state of everyone around you as they begin to realize that you're no longer depress-just crazy.

4. Create a new, empowering alternative- the key, is for us to consciously choose the new behaviors or feelings with which we are going to replace the old ones.
5.Conditioning the new pattern until it's consistent-reinforce with reward in good timing.
6.Test it.

Cause of Pain or Pleasure...

Anytime you experience significant amount of pain or pleasure, your brain immediately searches for the cause.

1. Your brain looks for something that appears to be unique.
2.Something that seems to be happening simultaneously.
3.looks for consistency.

How long it takes to change?

Why is it that most people think change takes so long? First reason, obviously, is that most people have tried again and again through will power to make changes, and failed. The assumption that they then make is that important changes must take a long time and very difficult to make.

The second reason we don't change quickly is that in our culture, we have a set of beliefs that prevents us from being able to utilize our own inherent abilities. the first belief we must have if we are going to create change quickly is that we can change now.

The second belief that you and I must have if we are going to create long-term change is that we are responsible for our own change, not anyone else.

1.We must believe, "Something must change.'
2.I must change it.
3.I can change it.

Beliefs classified into...

1.Opinion-feel relatively certain.
2.Beliefs-formed by much larger base of reference legs.
3.Conviction-eclipses a belief, because the emotional intensity a person links to an idea.

The single biggest factor separating them, a conviction has usually been triggered by significant emotional events, during which the brain links up, "Unless I believe this, I will suffer massive pain. if I were to change this belief, then I would be giving up my entire identity, everything my life has stood for, for years."

Change a belief...

1.All personal breakthroughs begin with a change in beliefs. So, associate massive pain to the old belief, past present and ultimately in the future. Then, associate tremendous pleasure to the idea of adopting a new, empowering belief.

2.Create doubt, there some beliefs heart and soul years ago that you had be almost embarrassed to admit today.

Limiting Beliefs...

People so often develop limiting beliefs about who they are and what they're capable of. Because they haven't succeeded in the past, they believe they wouldn't be able to succeed in the future. As a result, out of their fear of pain, they begin to constantly focus on being "realistic".

Most people who constantly say, "Let's be realistic," are really just living in fear, deathly afraid of being disappointed again. Out of that fear, they develop belief that cause them to hesitate, to not give their all-consequently they get limited results.

-Great leader are rarely "realistic"-

If you develop the absolute sense of certainty that powerful beliefs provide, then you can get yourself to accomplish virtually anything, including those things that other people are certain are impossible. How we deal with adversity and challenges will shape our lives more than almost anything else.

Pattern of beliefs that cause us to feel helpless. Change it!

1.Permanence -> "This too, shall pass"
2.Pervasiveness -> optimistic
3. Personal- avoid them

The true belief...

The question is which one of these belief is the true belief? The answer is that it doesn't matter.
What matter is which one is most empowering. We all can find someone to back up and make us feel more solid about. This is how human beings are able to rationalize.

The strongest and most solid legs are formed by personal experiences that we have a lot of emotion attached to because they were painful or pleasurable experiences. Do your references have to be accurate in order for you to be wiling to use them?

No, they cab be real or imaginary, accurate or inaccurate-even our own personal experiences, as solidly as we feel about them are distorted by our own personal perspective.

"The belief that becomes truth for that which allows me the best
use of my strength, the best means of putting my virtues into action"

What is a belief?

-feeling uncertainty -> I feel certain.
-idea, idea that you are sexy

How we turn an idea into belief? If you can think of an idea as being like a tabletop with no legs, you will have a fair representation of why an idea doesn't feel as certain as beliefs. without any legs, the table won't even stand up by itself. Belief, on the other hand, has legs.

If you really believe, "I'm sexy", how do you know you are sexy? Isn't it true that you have some references to support the idea-some experiences in life to back it up? Those are the legs that make your belief certain.

What are some of the reference experiences you have had? Maybe men and women told you that you're sexy. Or maybe you look into the mirror, compare your image to that of those whom other people consider sexy, and say "Hey, I look like them!" Or maybe strangers on the street call out and wave to you. All these experiences mean nothing until you organize it under the idea that you are sexy.

As you do this, the legs make you feel solid about the idea and cause you to begin to believe it. Your idea feels certain and is now a belief.

The Challenge of Beliefs...

1. Most of us do not consciously decide what we are going to believe.
2.Often, our beliefs are based on misinterpretation of past experiences.
3. Once we adapt a belief, we forget it's merely an interpretation.

-Beliefs have the power to create and to destroy.
-Once accepted, our beliefs become unquestioned commands to our nervous systems.

Belief Systems...

-it's not the event our lives that shape us, but our beliefs as to what the events means.

Two men are shot down in Vietnam and imprisoned in the infamous Hao Lo prison. They are isolated, chained to cement slabs, and continuously beaten with rusty shackles and tortured for information. Yet although these men are receiving the same abuse, they form radically different beliefs about their experience.

One man decides that his life is over, and in order to avoid any additional pain, commits suicide. The other puts from these brutalizing events a deeper beliefs in himself, his fellow men, and his creator than he is ever had before. Captain Gerald Coffee uses his experience to remind people all over the world of the power of human spirit to overcome virtually any level of pain, any challenge or any problem.

Two women turn 70 years old, yet each takes a different meaning from the event. One "knows" that her life is coming to an end. To her, 7 decades of living mean that her body must be breaking down and she had better start winding up her affairs.

The other woman decides that mountain climbing might be a good sport to begin at the age of 70 year. For the next 25 years she devotes herself to this new adventure in mastery, scaling some of the highest peaks in the world, until today in her 90-Hulda Crooks has become the oldest woman to ascend Mount Fuji.

What are your beliefs designed for? they are the guiding force to tell us what will lead to pain and pleasure. Whenever something happens in your life, your brain ask:

1.Will this mean pain or pleasure?
2.What must I do now to avoid pain and/or to gain pleasure?
-driven by our generalizations.


- what things mean to us
-our perception
if we link massive pain to any behavior or emotional pattern, we will avoid indulging it at all costs.
"If you're distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to that thing itself but
to your own estimate of it, and this you have the power to revoke at any moment."

-we are the person who lead such rich internal lives that it's not the event that matter most to us , but rather, how we interpret those events that will determine how we think about ourselves and how we will act in the future.

-anytime we are in an intense emotional state, when we are feeling strong sensations of pain and pleasure, anything unique that occurs consistently will become neurologically linked. Therefore, in the future, whenever that unique thing happens again, the emotional state will return.

-we must learn to 'advertise' in our minds- simply by linking pain to behaviors we want to stop at such a high level of emotional intensity that we won't consider those behaviors any longer. Then, link pleasure to the new behavior you desire for yourself. through repetition and emotional intensity, you can condition these behaviors within yourself until they are automatic.

-most people focus on how to avoid pain and gain pleasure in the short term, and thereby create long term pain for themselves.

-why do people persist in an unsatisfying relationship, unwilling either to work towards solutions or end it and move on? It's because they know changing will lead them to unknown, and most people believe that the unknown will be much more painful than what they're already experiencing. It's like the old proverb say,

"Better the devil you know than the devil you don't know"

"A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush"

-if we want to have intimate relationship then we need to overcome our fears of rejection and vulnerability.In fact, most of the things that are valuable in our lives requires us to go against the basic conditioning of our nervous system.It's possible for people to link pain, for example, to flying in the airplane while there are no logical reason for the phobia.

- they're responding to a painful experience in their past or even an imagined future. They may have read in the papers about airplanes accidents, and now they avoid getting on planes. They're allowing that fear to control them.

-the key thing top remember is that we don't move away from real pain; we move away from what we believe will lead to pain.

Pain and Pleasure...

-even though you know all these actions would benefit you-that they could definitely bring pleasure to your life-you fail to act simply because in that moment you associate more pain in doing what's necessary than missing the opportunity. After all, if you approached, and they rejected you?
What if you tried to start the new business but failed and lost the security you have in your present job?

"The secret of success is learning to use pain and pleasure instead of having them use you.
If you do that, you are in control of your life."

Internal System - Making Decision...

1. Core Beliefs and Unconscious Rules.
2. Life Values.
3. References- experiences.
4.Habitual Questions.
5.Emotional States.

-synergistic of some or all the 5 internal system exerts a force that's responsible for prompting you to or stopping you from taking action, cause you to anticipate or worry about the future, making you feel loved or rejected and dictating your level of success and happiness.

It determines why you do what you do and why you don't do something that you know you need to do.

In order to succeed, you must have a long-term focus. No individual or organization that has become successful has done so with short-term focus. While you are raging along the river, focusing on the next rock you might hit, you don't - or can't see far enough to avoid the falls.

The Niagara Syndrom..

-life is like a river, and most people jump on the river without really deciding where they want to end up. So, in a short period of time, they get caught up in the current: events, fears, challenges.

When they come to forks in the river, they don't consciously decide where they want to go, or which is the right direction for them. They merely "go with the flow". They become a part of the mass of people who are directed by the environment instead of their own values.

As a result, they feel out of control and remain in this unconscious state until one day the sound of the raging water awakes them, and they discover that they're five feet from Niagara Falls in a boat with no oars.

At this point, they say, "Oh, shoot!" But by then it's too late. They are going to take a fall. Sometimes, it's an emotional fall, physical fall, or financial fall.

3 Decisions that control your destiny...

1.What to focus on?
2.What things mean to you?
3.What to do to create the results?

Ultimate Success Formula...

1. Decide what you want.
2.Take action.
3.Notice what is working or not.
4.Change approach until you achieve what you want.

Decision: The Pathway To Power...

-asking ourselves "How am I going to live the next ten years of my life?
How am I going to live today in order to create the tomorrow I'm committed to?
What am I going to stand for from now on?

-if you don't set a baseline standard for what you will accept in your life, you will find it is easy to slip into behaviors and attitudes or quality of life that's far below what you deserve.

Area of life...

1.Emotional mastery.
2.Physical mastery.
3.Relationship mastery.
4.Financial mastery.
5.Time mastery.

Lasting change...

1. Raise your standards.
2.Change your Limiting Beliefs.
3.Change strategy

~Awaken The Giant Within by Anthony Robbins~


Do you think people need school..I don't think so...Anywhere we go , we are learning ....Not only at school...We learn from anyone at anytime!!!School is only to minimize the subjects and experienced....Do you..?

Business all the way...

Muhammad the prophet one said that business is 9/10 from our fortune... So do not ask why you are not a rich man.... Just think what you are doing and need to do...The answer is yours..


Love is simple.....It cause people to react...From outside to inside and back to outside...People need love...Then they should sacrifice!!! Maybe time,money or anything else....
love will come and go...Even without our will!!!.... Some people can happy only with love...The love that they search for their whole life... How about you? Can you happy only with love to live...It is yours to decide...

Science and technology !

Educated persons will ask to somebody what is science......It sound silly but it is true...made up science from hypothesis ,analysis, and experiments. So,what is the proof? Nobody know..According to that,you can make science by your own self...Just think and examine it...Then, you just create a part of science if it works...Trust me! That is why some educated person said ancient fiction is tomorrow science and technology....Just think and it will be a reality!
technology is an application of science to help us in our daily life.....

Same as new !

..... Chance that we get in one time is same for any moment, but due to decision another fact come throughout the way....

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اَللّٰهُمَّ صَلِّ وَ سَلِّمْ عَلَى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ وَ عَلَى آلِ سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ بِعَدَدِ اَنْفَاسِ الْخَلَائِقِ
اَللّٰهُمَّ صَلِّ وَ سَلِّمْ عَلَى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ وَ عَلَى آلِ سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ بِعَدَدِ نُجُوْمِ السَّمَوَاتِ
اَللّٰهُمَّ صَلِّ وَ سَلِّمْ عَلَى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ وَ عَلَى آلِ سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ بِعَدَدِ كُلِّ شَىْءٍ فِى الدُّنْيَا وَاْلاَخِرَةِ وَصَلَوَاتُ اللهِ تَعَالَى وَ مَلاَئِكَتِهِ وَ اَنْبِيَائِهِ وَ رُسُلِهِ وَ جَمِيْعِ خَلْقِهِ عَلَى سَيِّدِ الْمُرْسَلِيْنَ وَ اِمَامِ اْلمُتَّقِيْنَ وَ قَائِدِ غُرِّ اْلمُحَجَّلِيْنَ وَ شَفِيْعِ اْلمُذْنِبِيْنَ سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ وَ عَلَى آلِهِ وَ اَصْحَابِهِ وَ اَزْوَاجِهِ وَ ذُرِّيَتِهِ وَ اَهْلِ بَيْتِهِ وَ اْلاَئِمَّةِ الْمَضِيْنَ وَ الْمَشَائِخِ الْمُتَقَدِّمِيْنَ وَ الشُّهَدَاءِ وَ الصَّالِحِيْنَ وَ اَهْلِ طَاعَتِكَ اَجْمَعِيْنَ مِنْ اَهْلِ السَّمَوَاتِ وَ اْلاَرَضِيْنَ بِرَحْمَتِكَ يَا اَرْحَمَ الرَّحِمِيْنَ وَ يَا اَكْرَمَ اْلاَكْرَمِيْنَ وَ الْحَمْدُ للهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِيْنَ

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