Rabu, 15 Ogos 2018

Do these 7 things in Dhul Hijjah & Maximize Your Rewards!

The sacrifice of Ibrahim (peace be upon him) holds an important lesson for all. Think about it - Allah asked him to slaughter his son Ismael for His pleasure. Allah wasn’t asking him to give up his son, but rather his attachment to anything in this world. And when Ibrahim (peace be upon him) put Allah above his worldly attachments, The Merciful Lord granted him relief which he never imagined.

And as we enter Dhul Hijjah, the final month of the Islamic calendar, let us learn from the sacrifice of Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and implement sacrifices in our own lives.

Things to Do


Give up a sin - One at a time

Not only will Allah be pleased with you, but He will replace whatever you give up for Him with something better.

Fast (for the first 9 days)

Allah made some times better for worship than others and the first 10 days of Dhul Hijjah are just that. Fast for 9 days, including Arafah, and get the sins of 2 years forgiven. Deal?

Make the ritual sacrifice

It is not the blood and meat that reaches Allah, it is your piety that reaches Him. Follow His command and the Sunnah of His Prophet (peace be upon him). Distribute the meat to the needy.

Remember Allah

It is Sunnah to recite tasbeeh, remembrance of Allah, during the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah.   Subhan AllahAlhamdulillahAllahu Akbar
Keep at it!

Give in charity

The rewards of doing good deeds during these days are increased. So give in charity.
If you do it while fasting, that’s a plus!

Make Du’a

Make Du’a, supplications, particularly on the day of Arafah. Make the most of these golden days.

Recite the Qur’an

As much or as little you can, recite it. Understand it. Read more about the significance of putting Allah over everything and everyone. And follow it with action!
Copyright © 2018 Islamic Online University. All rights reserved.

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